"Morals" әдістемелік күндегі ашық сабақ » КГУ "Общеобразовательная школа №26" Управления образования города Алматы
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"Morals" әдістемелік күндегі ашық сабақ

Theme:  Morals 

School: №26

Date: 04.12.2019

The teacher: Abisheva K.K.

Grade: 9

Students number



Learning objective(s) the lesson is based on

develop pupils' speaking and writing skills on the theme “Morals”.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

answer the questions

Most learners will be able to

work with posters

Some learners will be able to

express their main idea about film


English language

Previous learning

A community project


Planned time

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



2 min

3 min


Teacher greets pupils and asks them to be ready for the lesson.

-Good morning, pupils. 

-How are you feeling today?

-I am fine, thank you. 

Psychological training. “From heart to heart”

The division into groups.

The teacher divides the pupils into 3 groups by the color of the sweets





5 min

2 min

7 min


5 min.

7 min

Asking the home task. “Catch and say”  

I’ll ask your home task with the help of the ball. What’s the English for…?


Pollution- загрязнение

Environment- окружающая среда

Education- образование

Border- граница

Population- население

Conclusion- заключение

Election- выборы

Government- правительство

Vote- голос

Law- закон

Head of state- глава государства

Ban- запрещать


Area- сфера

Defining the lesson’s theme

Teacher shows the pictures and asks to guess the lesson’s theme.  The task will be to guess about the theme of the new lesson.

  • “What is the theme of our lesson today?”



Presentation of the new theme

Today we’ll talk about morals. 

Morals are what you believe to be right and wrong. People can have different morals: you might say, "I like his morals" or "I wonder about his morals."

Your morals are your ideas about right and wrong, especially how you should act and treat other people. Most people would agree that thieves, murderers, and other criminals are lacking morals. A lot of people would say politicians could use some morals as well. Every person has a slightly different set of morals, and different cultures have their own morals as well. You probably get your morals from a combination of your parents, your teachers, your culture, and your religion.



ask/ tell 


(not) to+


Other words 

She told 

her brother 

not  to say 


She  asked 


to tidy 

his room 

She  told 


to stop 

chatting online 

We use tell for reporting an order.

We report negative requests by adding not before the infinitive

Auding. Read and listen to the Right or Wrong? Then exchange opinions about the situations.

Were the people right or wrong     in each of these situations? What     would you have done?

E.g: I think Mike was wrong in number 1. I would have told the assistant.

  1. Mike was buying a computer game in a supermarket. The assistant made a mistake and gave Mike too much change.  Mike didn’t say anything, but later he felt that he had done something wrong and he gave the money to charity.
  2. The council wanted to cut  some trees down to build houses. Layla sat down in the road so that the diggers couldn’t get through.
  3. John was riding his motorbike at sixty - five kilometres an hour in a fifty kilometres-an-hour zone. He knew that he was breaking the law, but he didn’t feel guilty about it. In his opinion, the speed limit was too low and there was no danger. Unfortunately, a police officer stopped him.
  4. Stefan’s mum asked him to tidy his room, but he didn’t do it. When she asked him     later, he told a lie and said that he’d done it, because he didn’t want an argument. He then decided to tidy his room later in the day.
  5. Cathy was on the internet. She pretended to be a different person in a chat room and made up a new identity. She became a nineteen –year-old  American girl called Amber. Her mother was concerned and she told her to stop chatting online.
  6. Callum bought his sister a scarf for her birthday.  She didn’t like the colours  or the style of the scarf , but she pretended to be very happy     with the present.  When her brother asked her why she wasn’t wearing it, she got around the problem by making an excuse.
  7. Alan sprayed the wall of the science centre because they were doing tests on animals.


  1. I think Mike was wrong in number 1. I would have told the assistant.
  2. I think Layla was wrong in number 2. I would have helped the diggers.
  3. I think John was wrong in number 3. I would have kept the law. 
  4.  I think Stefan was wrong in number 4. I would have helped my mother.
  5. I think Cathy was wrong in number 5. I would have told the truth.
  6. I think Callum was right in number 6. And I disagree with his sister.
  7. I think Alan was wrong in number 7. I wouldn’t have sprayed.

Short film “Heavy” (стоп кадр әдісі)

The teacher will show the film about “Heavy”.

  • How have you understood this film?
  • What was the end of the story?


“Revolving stations” team work

(Айналмалы бекет әдісі)

The teacher gives the teams members posters with tasks.

1-group: they must complete phrases with the verbs in the box.

2-groupthey must choose the correct words. 

3-group: they must rewrite the sentences to make indirect requests. 

Game. Let’s play the game which is called “Guess the word”.  I choose one pupil  here. She must seat here and guess the word. Some pupils must give us the definition with your sentence.

For example:

Cold -  it has 4 letters, first letter is “C”, last letter is “d”, it is the antonym of the word ‘hot’.

Sick- the first letter is ‘S’, it is the synonym of the word ‘ill’, it has 4 letters.

Eye – it has one syllable, 3 letters, it’s part of the body.

Motherland -  the country where you were born or where your family came from.

Food- people or animals eat, it’s very useful, every day we use it, people use in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. 

Mobile phone - you can carry with you,  

Work in group

Pupils ask the questions to each other about morals, indirect requests.


2 min

2 min

Home task

5- finger reflection

1.I’ve learnt… 2. I’ve understood … 3. I want to know …

4. It was interesting … 5. Question for me …  .

Топтық жұмысты бағалау

Бағалау критерийлері 





Топтың жұмысы жоғарғы деңгейде ұйымдастырылған 

Топтың жұмысы орташа деңгейде ұйымдастырылған 

Топтың жұмысы ұйымдастырылуы жеткіліксіз 


Тақырып ашылған, мәлімет жан- жақты  берілген 

Жан-жақты  мәлімет бар,бірақ дұрыс үйлестірілмеген 

Мәлімет біржақты ғана берілген 

Топ мүшелерінің белсенділігі 

Топ мүшелері түгел қатысты 

Топ мүшелерінің жартысы ғана қатысты 

Топтың бірер мүшелері ғана белсенді болды 


Шығармашылығы жоғарғы деңгейде 

Шығармашылығы орташа дәрежеде 

Шығармашылығы жеткіліксіз 

Ex.8,p.45 Take turns to make requests. 

Summary evolution

What two things went really well? (consider both teaching and learning)



What two things could improve the lesson? (consider both teaching and learning)



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will help to improve my next lesson?



Фильм Тяжело 

1топ :

This is the most difficult choice.

Yes ... it's hard to choose: Death of the most valuable person, or death of hundreds of people ...

He gave the life for people.


I would save my son ....

a terrible choice .... but my choice ... my child ... 

He gave the life for his son.


He gave the life for his son and people.

Life for his son and people. And they will be happy. People were thankful to him what he had done for them

.... Thanks to him, the girl has changed

Father did the right thing. He gave the life of ONE child. He gave his life for people to live.

thanks to his son, that girl  did not take drugs anymore.